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GIS vector files


    path_or_buffer: Path | str | bytes,
    layer: int | str | None = None,
    encoding: str | None = None,
    columns: str | None = None,
    read_geometry: bool = True,
    force_2d: bool = False,
    skip_features: int = 0,
    max_features: int | None = None,
    where: str | None = None,
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None,
    fids: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None,
    sql: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None,
    sql_dialect: tuple[float, float, float, float]
    | None = None,
    return_fids: tuple[float, float, float, float]
    | None = False,
) -> DataFrame | GeoDataFrame

Read OGR data source into numpy arrays.

IMPORTANT: non-linear geometry types (e.g., MultiSurface) are converted to their linear approximations.


  • path_or_buffer (Path | str | bytes) –

    A dataset path or URI, or raw buffer.

  • layer (int | str | None) –

    If an integer is provided, it corresponds to the index of the layer with the data source. If a string is provided, it must match the name of the layer in the data source. Defaults to first layer in data source.

  • encoding (str | None) –

    If present, will be used as the encoding for reading string values from the data source, unless encoding can be inferred directly from the data source.

  • columns

    list-like, optional (default: all columns) List of column names to import from the data source. Column names must exactly match the names in the data source, and will be returned in the order they occur in the data source. To avoid reading any columns, pass an empty list-like.

  • read_geometry (bool) –

    If True, will read geometry into WKB. If False, geometry will be None. Defaults to True.

  • force_2d (bool) –

    If the geometry has Z values, setting this to True will cause those to be ignored and 2D geometries to be returned. Defaults to False.

  • skip_features (int) –

    Number of features to skip from the beginning of the file before returning features. Must be less than the total number of features in the file.

  • max_features

    int, optional (default: None) Number of features to read from the file. Must be less than the total number of features in the file minus skip_features (if used).

  • where (str | None) –

    Where clause to filter features in layer by attribute values. Uses a restricted form of SQL WHERE clause, defined here.


    • "ISO_A3 = 'CAN'"
    • "POP_EST > 10000000 AND POP_EST < 100000000"
  • bbox (tuple[float, float, float, float] | None) –

    If present, will be used to filter records whose geometry intersects this box. This must be in the same CRS as the dataset. If GEOS is present and used by GDAL, only geometries that intersect this bbox will be returned; if GEOS is not available or not used by GDAL, all geometries with bounding boxes that intersect this bbox will be returned.

  • fids

    array-like, optional (default: None) Array of integer feature id (FID) values to select. Cannot be combined with other keywords to select a subset (skip_features, max_features, where or bbox). Note that the starting index is driver and file specific (e.g. typically 0 for Shapefile and 1 for GeoPackage, but can still depend on the specific file). The performance of reading a large number of features usings FIDs is also driver specific.

  • return_fids

    bool, optional (default: False) If True, will return the FIDs of the feature that were read.


  • DataFrame | GeoDataFrame

    A GeoPolars GeoDataFrame or Polars DataFrame